Monday, 8 August 2011

London's burning. An old gits view.

Let's clear up a little misconception about the 'riots'.
The Saturday night 'riot' followed a peaceful vigil by a few hundred people with regards to the shooting of Mark Duggan, whether it was a justified shooting remains to be seen, I honestly don't think the 'riot' was anything to do with that.
From what I've seen it was a bunch of dickheads taking advantage of a situation.

The 'riots' across London last night were also nothing to do with the Duggan shooting, last night was an organized raid on a vulnerable city.

Over 150 people have been arrested over the weekend and i doubt even half of them will get prison time, as far as I'm concerned they should lock them up and misplace the key.
I have the utmost respect for the police and I think it's disgusting they have to put up with so much crap from joe public. They're doing the best they can with the resources they have and they have to work within ridiculous guidelines.
Maybe we should let the military have a little go at keeping the peace in London. It really is time to crack a few heads.

I hear a lot about the government should be pouring money into the community so the young people have a place to go, gimme a fucking break, stop pussy footing about, save the money and build a few prisons so we at least have somewhere to put the little shits.
It's this namby pamby, do gooder attitude that's got this country in the state it's in now. If the youth of today were taught respect and common decency we would not have so many problems. The criminal has as many, if not more, rights than the victim. The education system fails to teach anything about the real world, and from what I see around me some parents just don't care.
We have kids killing other kids, they get a couple of years in the laughing academy then they're back on the street.

I was born in the 50's and grew up in the 60's, I was taught respect and discipline at school and at home.
This day and age ? Schools have had their teeth pulled by the government and parents think mummy's little soldier is just acting out if he breaks the law.
Give power back to the schools and the police and maybe parents will follow suit.

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