Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Human Remains Detector dogs under attack again.

Full Story :- Sky News HD
detector, noun, an instrument or device used for detecting the presence of something.
Sniffer dogs hindered the police probe into Shannon Matthew's disappearance.

Victim recovery dogs from four different police forces were used during searches for kidnapped schoolgirl Shannon Matthews in Dewsbury in West Yorkshire in 2008.
The dogs found evidence of dead bodies, but officers later discovered the corpses were nothing to do with her disappearance.
"The properties searched contained a high level of second-hand furniture bought from dwellings where someone had died," according to the NPIA report.
"This resulted in numerous indications that required further investigation to confirm whether they were connected to the investigation, or to previous owners of the furniture."

So, the dogs found the scent of death. Isn't that their job ?

It was Mrs Mathews that 'hindered' the police, not the dogs.
Maybe someone should have explained to the dogs that they should only search for the scent of Shannon Mathews dead body even though she was still alive, yea, that'll work.

A South Yorkshire Police spaniel called Eddie was said to have sniffed out the "scent of death" at the Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey and the apartment from which Madeleine McCann disappeared in Portugal.
But in both cases nothing more was found and South Yorkshire Police say Eddie is no longer working with them.

Not finding a body does NOT mean one was never there.

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