Monday, 25 July 2011

Are the McCanns Guilty ?

I thought I'd start with this as it seems to be the in thing at the moment.
I've read quite a bit about the case of late, I've just started reading Kate McCanns book, I would like to read Gonçalo Amaral's book but due to the McCanns gagging everybody who has an opinion they don't like it's proving difficult to come by a copy tho I did find a translation online. I do, however, have a copy of Tony Bennets book.
From what I've read and seen on video there are a lot of discrepancies in the McCanns story, for example, neither of them seems sure which of the kids said "where were you when we were crying".
Whether you believe they are innocent or guilty, you can't deny the fact that they are responsible for what happened. They quite happily left the kids alone 5 nights running while they were out eating and drinking, if they had been the loving parents they would have us believe they would have been home with the kids and madeleine would still be with them.

There are a lot of things that just don't add up.
1. The scent dogs found traces of blood and cadavarine on a car that was rented 3 weeks after madeleines "disappearance".
2. Kate McCann stated in a BBC interview that she didn't search for madeleine because she was unable to function normally, in her book she states that she searched at 1st light next day, in ditches, holes, in undergrowth and over walls.
3. 2 days after they were declared suspects the british government arranged an easyjet flight to bring them home, they also hired a top extradition lawyer on top of all the other lawyers.
4. The "Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited" was set up to finance the search, seems to me it's been used to pay for lawyers to gag people.
2 of the directors just happen to be Kate and Gerald McCann.

That'll do for now, I shall no doubt come up with more after I've read on a bit.


  1. The Government arranged an easy jet flight? are you sure about that?
    Re the fund, the aims of it were clearly stated when it was set up.
    There was never any evidence that the dogs found anything. The dogs trainer himself said their alerts were meaningless unless backed up by forensics. There were no results that showed there was a dead body and no results that related solely to Madeleine

  2. Yes I'm sure about the easyjet.

    The full objects of the Fund are:

    * To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;
    * To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and
    * To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.
    * If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.

    I see no mention of injunctions or high priced lawyers.

    The dogs were backed up by forensics.
    The FSS lab found 19 markers, of which 15 markers matched Madeleine's DNA, meaning that there were no markers within these 15 that could not have come from Madeleine. With 15 markers out of 19 all matching Madeleine’s DNA, that would give analysts 99.9% confidence that the blood samples were from Madeleine.

    The cadaver dog alerted to cadavarine in the apartment, the car, and on clothes.

    Anonymous is a rather cowardly way to have your say.

  3. "There was never any evidence that the dogs found anything."
    I missed this statement.
    Everything the dogs found is a matter of police record and is all on video.

  4. Care to give a link about the government arranging the flight please?

    Oh and you need to read further in the files as the 19 markers were made up of at least 3 people and up to as many as 5. This information was explained. Are you having difficulties understanding the nuances of DNA?

    Public records and Police files state quite clearly that the alerts are useless unless there are forensics to back them up. There were non.

    Have you heard of the saying "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"?

  5. sorry re read your post. Markers, those 15 that you say matched madeleine, would you like to tell me how many of those also matched the twins and Kate please. Then could you give me the figure that was given by FSS (you know, that figure that said how many in his office could actually match that dna sample as well) Ta very much

  6. Oh and you need to read further in the files as the 19 markers were made up of at least 3 people and up to as many as 5. This information was explained. Are you having difficulties understanding the nuances of DNA?

    The FSS lab found 19 markers, of which 15 markers matched Madeleine's DNA, meaning that there were no markers within these 15 that could not have come from Madeleine.

  7. Care to give a link about the government arranging the flight please?

    Following Dr Kate McCann’s refusal to answer questions, the British government flew the Doctors McCann back to England on a special Easyjet flight.

  8. Then could you give me the figure that was given by FSS (you know, that figure that said how many in his office could actually match that dna sample as well) Ta very much

    I take it you mean after the sample had been contaminated ?
    Not worth the effort.

  9. I'm not going to waste any more of my time answering someone who is too cowardly to step into the light.

  10. Age old response. its all there in the files and it shows you for what you are. A liar who prefers to carry on hating even when shown the errors in her beliefs. Carry on as you were. You will never change while there is that much hate and lies within you.

    Oh well

  11. All this talk about matching DNA to me is not that important in the scheme of things.

    What's really telling, is that when the dogs detected both blood and cadaver (in the McCann's flat and on their clothes / belongings - no one else's), the McCann's first response was to diss the dogs. Surely, they would be screaming "OMG she's DEAD!!!" not trying to find the most ludicrous reasons for the scents (dirty nappies, rotting meat etc)

    Even years later, when asked by the Portuguese journalist about the dogs' alerting, Gerry, with the biggest smirk on his face said "Ask the dogs"!! What a smug prick!

  12. You got that right.
    He's also said on video 'find the body and prove we killed her'
    You should also remember that it was the mccanns that demanded the dogs when they thought it was too late to find anything.
    Probably didn't expect Eddie and Keela.

  13. I find it strange that Kate thought straight away she was abducted. First thing that would of come to my mind would of been "oh crap, she has wandered off" and i would of searched everywhere.
